Begin again with God

Pippa Baker

I love September. Not only for the fact we often have the best weather of the year around this time (bring on an Indian summer!) but I’ve always just loved the natural new lease of life it brings.

Granted, I have been out of education for a decade now so am well past the days of new classes and different teachers but despite that, I feel the whole country takes a long deep breath in over this month. 

It’s like a fresh resolve is born in us to begin again. As I was praying about what to reflect on in this beautiful magazine, I sensed the Lord speak very simply and profoundly: “begin again with me.”

Don’t you love that about our God? Every moment is this unique and merciful opportunity to not let the frustrations of yesterday dampen our desire for the Gospel today. 

In my kitchen, sellotaped to the extractor fan (very glam!) I have a tiny little piece of paper which was cut out of a parish newsletter about 3 years ago. I was struck by the words so I roughly scissored them out and stuck them up, but I never knew that they would serve as daily inspiration to me years on. 

“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possible for you to do.” St John XXIII

What astonishing words!..(from a remarkable man.) These sentences have been an accompaniment to me, and they really motivate me to move forward. It is true, sometimes our fears and frustrations seem to be the daily news of our thought patterns but here’s an invitation to start afresh: let your hopes and dreams, the possibilities with God be what takes you into this new season. 

I felt the Father promise that no matter what your lockdowns have looked like, even if you’ve wavered in faith over these 18 months, if the struggles have meant doubt has drowned faith at times, God STILL looks upon you with love, your journey isn’t a surprise to Him, He’s radically dedicated to the process of your life, and He desires to use you to build the Kingdom of heaven on earth.

You’re His plan A! Even as I type I thank Him for this truth and pray you’ll know this deeper and dream bigger than ever before. An encouragement to all of us then: let’s begin again with God. 

Pippa Baker

Full time missionary, Pippa Baker worked in the Advertising industry for 6 and a half years in Central London. In 2017 she felt the call to quit her job to pursue a life working with the Church all over the UK. Her passion lies in helping the next generation follow Jesus daily. She helps lead One Hope Project, a creative collective encouraging fresh expressions of worship in the Catholic Church.


Ben Elliott is a communication professional.

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