Why are we prayer-walking?

From the Arise:March Launch Evening. Photo: Ben Elliott

"Because I believe that through prayer we can see Sheffield transformed."

"Because I want to do something meaningful to support my community."

"Because it's so encouraging to join together with believers from across Sheffield."


With everything that’s happening right now - in the world, in the UK, in Sheffield - our city needs our prayers more than ever.

By joining in with Arise:March, we’re able to do something together that none of us could do alone: bring every single street in our city before the Lord in prayer. Because we are not the answer: He is.

As we prayer-walk this year, let’s reflect on the purpose that God has for each and every one of us. He could have placed us anywhere, at any time in history, but we are here, in Sheffield, in 2023. Could it be that we are here for such a time as this?

Prayer-walking offers a unique way to slow down and see your local area through Jesus' eyes, to connect more deeply with the strengths and the needs in your community. Be open to the Holy Spirit as you prayer-walk: what might God be calling you to in your area this year?

Join nearly 600 other believers who have already covered over 1400km of Sheffield's roads with the app this year, as we pray together for Sheffield.

Open the app today to get started.


What happened at the Arise:March Launch Evening?


Talking Jesus