George Bingham-Davis George Bingham-Davis

Lights for Christ

Hannah Sandoval talks to us about the Diocese of Sheffield’s Lights for Christ initiative, and becoming more intentional in our walk with Jesus.

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Guest User Guest User

A Place of Refuge in Handsworth

Church member and Leader of the Men’s Fellowship Deji Aloba shares about why he loves City of Refuge Foursquare in Handsworth, and how his church is reaching out to the local community.

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Guest User Guest User

An Audacious Faith

We catch up with Josh Cocker, pastor at !Audacious Sheffield, to find out more about the !Audacious vision and what brought them to the steel city.

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Guest User Guest User


Do you ever wonder what you and your church could do to better care for the environment? We catch up with Clare Loughridge from St Andrews Psalter Lane to learn more about tangible steps anyone can take to make their churches, congregations and neighbourhoods more environmentally-friendly.

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George Bingham-Davis George Bingham-Davis

Bless Greystones

Find out more about the community outreach project that St Gabriel’s Greystones is running to bless their area.

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Beth Craggs Beth Craggs

Open House: Serving Sheffield

Bess Popplewell and Dave Stout share their vision and passion for Woodseats and give an update on the Open House community space.

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Beth Craggs Beth Craggs

Creating a Culture of Welcome in Sheffield

Blessan Babu shares what City of Sanctuary are doing in Sheffield to support refugees, and suggests how each of us can create a similar culture of welcome in our own homes and church communities.

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Finlay Hammatt Finlay Hammatt

S6 Foodbank: Faith in Action

Chris Hardy and Jayne Franklin share with us how the foodbank started, how it’s going and how you can pray for them.

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Guest User Guest User

Happy Healthy Neighbourhoods

Ben Woollard shares the legacy of a local Christ follower , James Wilson, who started the work of raising awareness of the toxicity of the air in Sheffield.

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Andrew Senior Andrew Senior

A New City

Andrew Senior reflects on how seeing the city of Sheffield being transformed has helped him to look ahead to what it will be like to dwell in the new heaven and earth.

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Hannah Sandoval Hannah Sandoval

A Personal Rule of Life

How do we keep in step with Jesus when we live in an ever-moving, never-stopping world? Hannah Sandoval explains Sheffield Diocese’s initiative called A Personal Rule of Life. Read on to learn more about cultivating habits to help you rest in the comfort of Jesus.

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Bishop Ralph Heskett Bishop Ralph Heskett

Seasons in the Church

Bishop Ralph takes us on a journey through the church’s liturgical calendar a reminds us what the seasons of church life point us to.

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Bishop Pete Wilcox Bishop Pete Wilcox

Sowing Discipleship

“The parable challenges us to ask ourselves, ‘Is the Gospel flourishing in me, personally – or am I at risk of proving fruitless for Jesus?’, but also ‘Is our church providing good soil in which the disciples of Jesus can grow, or not?’” Bishop Pete Wilcox shares his insights on the Parable of the Sower.

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Pippa Baker Pippa Baker

Practising the Presence of God

Pippa Baker takes us along on her train journey and shares how the Holy Spirit was there with her through the mumbled prayers and surprise first class visit!

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!Audacious Church

Josh Cocker and his family have recently moved to Sheffield to start a new branch of !Audacious Church. We caught up with him to find out more.

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