Virtual prayer-walking


Bring joy to your community without leaving the house.

If you’re unable to prayer-walk - for any reason - you can still set Sheffield aglow with prayer. Scroll down to find tools to help you get started today.




Arise Where You Are

Prayer is powerful. Prayer-walking is an incredible way to connect with your local area, but virtual prayer-walking is just as valuable. Here’s a downloadable guide to virtual prayer-walking, developed by Lisa Hutt from the Neighbourhood Prayer Network.

More about the Virtual Prayer-Walking Guide

The NPN Virtual Prayer Walking Guide - written by Lisa Hutt - seeks to help Christians look at how they can pray virtually without leaving their house and what that could look like in their own context. It is a useful aid for those who would like to join in with Arise:March.

Written from experience on the importance of prayer walking in this season, this guide will inspire and encourage all those who read it to discover that everyone can prayer walk. Neighbourhood Prayer Network believes that virtual prayer-walking is just as important as physical prayer-walking.

Message from Neighbourhood Prayer Network

Whether you virtually or physically prayer-walk your street as part of Arise:March, you may like to consider praying for your street on a regular basis.

At Neighbourhood Prayer Network we have a passion to encourage Christians to do this, taking spiritual responsibility for the street they live on, not only praying for their neighbours but also caring for them and sharing their Christian faith as they have opportunity.

We believe that God wants to see every one of the 260,000 streets in the UK covered in prayer and that's what our goal is. We send out a weekly email to inform and inspire those who are standing with us in this vision. We believe we can transform our nation if every street in the UK is covered in prayer, including every street in Sheffield. We have around 3.2% streets in the UK covered at the moment, but we are expecting God to significantly grow that number.