
Arise:March 2024 Complete!

Thank you!

Together we’ve been covering Sheffield in prayer, discovering prayer needs, and recovering the joy of Easter for our communities.

While the Arise:March Prayer App has now closed, you can still see the final map and pray for the prayer needs that we’ve discovered and shared.

There’s so much to celebrate from Arise:March 2024!

Where did you see God at work this March? Don’t keep it to yourself! Share your story to encourage others in the Arise community.

Arise and live your faith more freely.

Arise Sheffield is a prayer and mission movement that invites believers in Sheffield to live their faith more freely. So far, over 2,000 believers from over 100 Sheffield churches have joined in.

See how you are lighting up Sheffield!

People from 120 different churches set the streets of Sheffield aglow with prayer,
with the Arise app in 2023.

Popular now on Arise Stories…

  • Rt Revd Dr Pete Wilcox, Bishop of Sheffield

    “What could be better than to pray for the people of our city and to pray for God’s blessing on our city, so I commend to you wholeheartedly: Arise!”

  • Revd Dr Nike Adebajo, emPower Coordinator

    “emPower has been committed to regularly gathering Christians in Sheffield to pray for our city for over a decade and is excited to wholeheartedly commend this prayer walk and these missional opportunities to all Christians in our city.”

  • Bishop Ralph Heskett, Bishop of Hallam

    “This year, once again, Arise will hallow the streets of Sheffield with a month’s prayer-walking during March. I am sure it will bring many blessings to our city. I look forward to sharing in the experience and being part of it.”

  • Viki Seithel, Communications Developer, Fusion Movement

    “It is a joy to see churches across Sheffield working together to prioritise prayer, sharing the gospel, and transforming the city!”

  • Revd Clive Burnard, Regional Minister, Yorkshire Baptist Association

    “I pray for any church of any denomination, stream or kind, that we will ARISE TOGETHER, in the power of The Spirit, and prayerfully show the people of Sheffield, that they are loved by The One who loves us.”

  • Far & Wide, a Sheffield-based worship collective

    “What an amazing opportunity to join with our brothers and sisters to step out onto the streets across our city and claim back ground for God”.

Arise in the media

Listen to Arise CEO Ben Woollard speak on the Words of Grace podcast about Arise 2024, and read about one Ariser’s experience of prayer-walking with his son in the Sheffield Star.

A photo of the news story from the Sheffield Star about Arise Sheffield

“Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile.

Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”

Jeremiah 29:7 (NIV)

The story so far…

In March 2021, over 1,500 believers from nearly 100 different churches rose up together to pray for Sheffield.

We were emboldened in our faith in a new way. We formed new local relationships, and as a result people around Sheffield encountered Jesus for the first time.

Arisers told us that they felt more purposeful, connected, and energised: their faith was exciting them in a new way.

We know God has not finished fulfilling His purposes in Sheffield, so this year - like the persistent widow from Jesus’ parable - we're continuing to pray to see Sheffield transformed. Let’s prayer-walk together this March!