Prayer Tools

You can bring joy to your community.

Even if you haven’t prayer-walked before, or shared your faith with those around you, you can still get involved in Arise. Scroll down to find tools to help you get started today.


  • Download the Arise Pocket Prayer Prompt to take with you on prayer-walks.

  • Download the Arise How to Organise a Prayer-Walk Guide to help you get started in organising a group prayer-walk.

How do I prayer-walk?

Prayer-walking is essentially what it sounds like: talking to God while walking.

There is no ‘right way’ to prayer-walk, but here are some suggestions for prayer-walking with Arise Sheffield:

  • As you walk, feel free to talk to God about the area you are walking around. Keep your eyes open as you walk and use your senses to notice what is around you.

  • Pray for the things that God draws to your attention. Let the Holy Spirit prompt you with scriptures or pictures which reveal something or assist you in praying for that area.

  • If you are with others within your household, you could speak out your prayer as a normal conversation between you, your prayer partner and God.

What should I pray for?

Arise has developed some resources to prompt your prayers, if helpful.

The image below is a prayer prompt to use as a reminder for different things to pray for while prayer-walking.

The left hand reminds us to pray for personal needs of people around us. We can pray for their spiritual, physical, emotional, social, and financial needs.  

The right hand reminds us to pray for the corporate needs of Sheffield; the institutions of religion, health, education, government and business.

The Arise Sheffield Blessing also offers a form of words that you might want to use as you prayer-walk:

Arise:March Guides

The Arise:March 2025 guide

Leading a local prayer walk guide

How do I prayer-walk safely?

  • Your safety and that of others around you is paramount. 

  • Where possible, prayer-walk in pairs or groups for your own safety and encouragement.

  • Wear appropriate footwear and clothes for the weather conditions.

  • Keep to acknowledged pathways and walking routes and walk during daylight hours. 

  • If you are physically unable to go around the streets you can pray by your window for your street or your local area, or partner up to pray by phone with someone who is walking. Everyone can be involved.

The 4 Points

God loves me

I have sinned

Jesus died for me

I need to decide to live for God