Why I wear my faith

Ben Elliott shares how his choice of t-shirts helps him to share - and even live - his faith more intentionally.

For me, physically wearing my faith is something that has been second nature to me since I became a follower of Jesus. As a teenager I would wear a WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) wristband. Now, I often wear t-shirts that present questions or challenge norms, to create conversations that point to Jesus. My clothes remind me of my values, at the same time as sharing a message with others around me in a way that invites dialogue.

Personally, I purchase a lot of clothing from The Happy Givers, not only because of the messaging but also because they are not-for-profit, supporting valuable social justice projects and causes in challenging communities.

Clothing is a piece of personal communication. What you choose to wear reveals something about who you are to those around you. Whether you’re conscious of it or not, we do this every time we get dressed for the day. For me, wearing something that reflects a Godly perspective is a wonderful way to share Jesus.

Wearing my faith has opened up new connections. A couple of times wearing a t-shirt has opened up an opportunity to pray for someone and many times to talk about the character of Jesus. The responsibility still falls on me to be proactive, but wearing a t-shirt like this opens up a higher probability of a Jesus conversation than me wearing a t-shirt from a high street brand!

The t-shirt that has undoubtedly created the most conversation is my ‘Love Thy Neighbour’ one (above). In my sinful nature it’s easy to discriminate against others, intentionally or subconsciously. This t-shirt reminds me that we’re all made in God’s image and that we’re all equal before Him. I’m called to love my neighbour, even when they hold very different views or theologies to me. My core responsibility is to love well. I need a reminder to do this and strangers have often asked, “What does that mean?” It’s a superb way to talk about the best example of love: Jesus Christ.

Wearing a symbol of my faith challenges me personally and keeps me in check. Several times my wife has called me out as my blood boils with road rage as I  wear a t-shirt that says ‘love shall over come’ or ‘love mercy’ or ‘be kind’. Oh how hypocritical I can be! How I need to remove the plank from my eye. I’d like to think that the messaging I bare helps me to act in accordance to the message I bare. I realise I smile more at strangers or say hello to others in the street, pray for others and be kinder.

I like to wear t-shirts that feature the things I value. I don’t wear jewellery, I don’t like putting stickers on my car, I don’t carry a water bottle, I don’t have tattoos, but I what I do love is music. And in a gig-going culture it’s common to wear the t-shirt of your favourite band. So, for me in my context, it feels really natural to wear t-shirts with designs inspired by the most important piece of communication in history: the Gospel.

My challenge to you?

  • be authentic to yourself and your culture

  • look for opportunities to love others well, and reflect Jesus

  • be patient and gracious if you face persecution for wearing your faith

  • always look for ways to be a peace maker.



Ben Elliott is a communication professional. 


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